Power Apps portals is used to create external-facing websites that allow users outside their organizations to sign in with a wide variety of identities, create and view data in Dataverse, or even browse content anonymously.
#Core components of portals:-
- Power Apps portals Studio
Power Apps portals Studio components:
1.Command bar -Allows you to:
Create a webpage.
Delete a component.
Sync Configuration.
Browse website.
2.Toolbelt - Allows you to:
View and manage webpages
Add components
Edit templates
3.Canvas -
Contains components that build a webpage.
4.Footer -
Displays autosave status and allows you to the open-source code editor.
5.Properties pane -
Displays properties of the webpage and selected components and lets you edit them as required.
- Webpages
A webpage is a document that is identified by a unique URL in a website. Through parent and child relationships to other webpages, webpages form the hierarchy of a website, that is, its site map. Webpages can be added and edited by using the Portal Studio, the portal front-side editor, or directly in Microsoft Dataverse by using the Portal Management app.
- Page templates
A webpage row does not define how the page looks when it is rendered on the portal. Instead, it is linked to the Page template row that defines the layout and the behavior. Think of the webpage as the exact URL and the Page template as the blueprint for displaying the content.
- Content snippets
Content snippets are reusable fragments of editable content that can be placed within a web template. Using snippets allows for targeted editing of parts of a page without affecting the overall content.
- Table lists and table forms
The strength of Power Apps portals is the ability to interact with information and data that is stored in Microsoft Dataverse.
# portals security
The Portal Management model-driven app provides access to the contact table and has forms to manage passwords, view portal-specific contact information, and provide registration and profile management forms for the portal.
- Authentication
Portal users can authenticate by using -
Local authentication -
Basic authentication with usernames and passwords are stored in the Microsoft Dataverse contact row internally.
External authentication -
Credentials and password management are handled by other identity providers.
- Authorization
After the user is authenticated and associated with a contact, Power Apps portals use numerous tables to define authorization, that is, what a user is allowed to do. Selecting Share from the portal app options will provide information on how to share the portal app with internal and external users.
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